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This Kiwi war monument is a good model for Australia

Picture of the Tauranga Monument in New Zealand with comment

NAIDOC Week 2024 at the War Memorial: same old, same old?

Outline of the Australian War Memorial's posts marking NAIDOC Week 2024

War Memorial's ignorance of Frontier Wars must end

Arguments for the refreshed Australian War Memorial Council to rescind a prevaricating decision of 2022

Culture is Life curriculum and project materials: The Australian Wars and NAIDOC Week

Wide range of materials, including based on the documentary The Australian Wars and promoting NAIDOC Week

The Last Chance for the War Memorial on Frontier Wars, says Defending Country Patron, Professor Henry Reynolds

Professor Reynolds looks at the implications of the recent change to the membership of the War Memorial Council

Why should blackfellers be moved by "sacred" Anzac cliché?

Three reasons why the "sacred soul of the nation" Anzac cliché needs examination

Refreshed War Memorial Council needs support on proper recognition of Australian Frontier Wars

Urges readers to support refreshed War Memorial Council on Frontier Wars

How about a royal apology to our First Nations? Defending Country Patron Henry Reynolds asks

A royal apology to Australia's First Nations should have been a condition of the impending tour.