
Here you will find links to recent news and events concerning the Australian Frontier Wars and First Nations. Our listings of Resources and Related sites and organisations may also be useful.

Cartoon used with kind permission of the artist, Sam Wallman. The cartoon was featured in the Australian Museum's 2021 Unsettled: Fighting Wars exhibition (section on Lest We For/Get Over It 2018)
Cartoon used with kind permission of the artist, Sam Wallman. The cartoon was featured in the Australian Museum's 2021 Unsettled: Fighting Wars exhibition (section on Lest We For/Get Over It 2018) with this explanatory text:

"Lest We Forget” and “Get Over It”.

These are two of the most popular phrases said in Australia. The first imploring us to honour our history and those Australian men and women who fought in international wars, which the second not only ignores a comparable history but aggressively dismisses it and admonishes those who would honour it. To have such positions held simultaneously, as defining elements of our national identity, deserves scrutiny. Often, First Nations peoples are told to get over the past and move on, but healing needs truth, and we must show proper respect to the fallen and the wronged.