
Pamela Burton

Vice President. Pamela Burton is a Canberra lawyer and writer and has served on government boards and tribunals. She wrote From Moree to Mabo: the Mary Gaudron Story (2010), The Waterlow Killings (2012), A Foreign Affair (2016) and, with her sister, Dr Meredith Edwards, Persons of Interest: an Intimate Account of Cecily and John Burton (2022).

Dr Carolyn Holbrook

Ordinary Member. Dr Carolyn Holbrook is a senior lecturer in history at Deakin University, Melbourne, and Director of Australian Policy and History ( Her publications include Lessons from History: Leading Historians Tackle Australia’s Greatest Challenges (co-edited with Lyndon Megarrity and David Lowe, 2022), The Great War: Aftermath and Commemoration (co-edited with Keir Reeves, 2019), and Anzac: the Unauthorised Biography (2014).

Professor Peter Stanley

President. Professor Peter Stanley is an Honorary Professor at UNSW Canberra and author of more than 45 books on military and social history. He was Principal Historian at the Australian War Memorial and then inaugural head of the Research Centre at the National Museum of Australia. He lives in Canberra.

Dr David Stephens

Treasurer. Dr David Stephens has been Editor of the Honest History website since 2013, Convener of Heritage Guardians (opposed to the redevelopment of the AustralianWar Memorial), and co-editor with Alison Broinowski of The Honest History Book (2017). During the Vietnam War era he was a conscientious objector (to that war) and National Service Act defaulter. He lives in Melbourne after many years in Canberra.

Noel Turnbull (Secretary)

Secretary. Noel Turnbull is a Vietnam veteran (104 Field Battery, 1968-69) with a 50-year career in public relations, politics, journalism, and academia. His books include How PR Works but Often Doesn’t and A History of Port Melbourne (with Nancy U’ren). He has been a member or Chair of many public bodies. He developed the Truth and Integrity Project as a campaign vehicle and online access centre for organisations and individuals opposed to the Morrison government. He lives in Melbourne.